Perlin Noise on GPU in GPUImage 1

Perlin Noise on GPU in GPUImage
Perlin noise has all kinds of applications, from realistic looking texutres to fire effects to flow fields. It’s a useful tool to have in the belt. If you’ve never heard of perlin noise here’s the wikipedia article and here’s a great explanation of how it’s calculated. Better than that, here are some examples of its ...

Learning OpenGL with GPUImage 11

Learning OpenGL with GPUImage
Writing an Image Processing Filter In this post we’re going to cover the basics of how to write an image processing filter using glsl. We’ll be producing a variant of an existing filter. Here’s a look at our final project: We’ll be using the GPUImage framework in order to jump in to writing glsl shaders ...

iOS 5 by Tutorials Now Available in Print!

My book can now be purchased on Amazon. Vol1 and Vol2. My chapters on Core Image and Turn Based Gaming are both in the second Volume. But, if you’re a programmer, the thing is full of awesome. I refer to it every time I need to break out ARC or Storyboards or Twitter integration.

So busy!

I’ve been working some contract gig for the last six weeks, I’ve been painfully neglectful of both twitter and the blog. I checked my traffic and it’s held steady in spite of my neglect, lucky me. I’ve got some things on my radar, though. I’ve been working on learning and adding to the GPUImage framework ...

More Fun With Cocos2d Particles 1

More Fun With Cocos2d Particles
My latest attempt is to extend the Cocos2d particle system to include a variety of things, multiple particle sprites, animated sprites, flow fields, and eventually a boids algorithm implementation. Today I have a work in progress class that’s by no means ready for any kind of production. I though I’d share it anyway. In it’s ...

My Quest to Learn OpenGL 3

My Quest to Learn OpenGL
This post is going to be all about openGL. I don’t explain it from a beginner’s perspective, so if you are new the the openGL API, it may not be easy to follow. I have listed what I think are the best resources in the bottom paragraph. If you’re new, definitely read those, especially Jeff ...

New Years Resolution 1

New Years Resolution
For the first time I can review my new year’s resolutions (for this year). At the beginning of the year, among other things I had the following goal: Lose 40 lbs, get down to about 220. The year went along with minor attempts at this goal, but in September something happened that helped me get ...

Cocos2D Particle Engine w/Different Sprites 6

Cocos2D Particle Engine w/Different Sprites
Most of my development work is centered around educational games. I am co-founder of Third Rail Games, LLC. A while back I wanted to modify the particle system in Cocos2D so that it would put out streams of letters in a given sequence instead of the one sprite. Here’s what I ended up with: Here’s ...

Easiest Twitter App Ever (plus NSLinguisticTagger)

Easiest Twitter App Ever (plus NSLinguisticTagger)
My very first idea for an iphone app was something that would allow me to navigate the language used in tweets. I wanted to create an app that pulled twitter data, based on a search phrase, parse the words in that request, pull out represent those words by frequency or importance, and present that visually ...

Quick Tip about Disabling ARC on Multiple Files at Once 4

I found this comment on stackoverflow, pixelfreak is the author. But, there are multiple places where it is said that you cannot set the -fno-objc-arc flag on multiple files at once in Xcode. Not true. You can read it from the source here. But, here’s the deal. I, and doubtless many of you, use third ...