Disable Home Button or Kiosk Mode 2

Disable Home Button or Kiosk Mode
I was asked today about how to disable the home button on an iOS device. I didn’t think it was possible to do so, but a little snooping around and I found that it was. The context of the conversation was that schools have been reluctant to use iPads because they couldn’t be used for ...

More Fun With Cocos2d Particles 1

More Fun With Cocos2d Particles
My latest attempt is to extend the Cocos2d particle system to include a variety of things, multiple particle sprites, animated sprites, flow fields, and eventually a boids algorithm implementation. Today I have a work in progress class that’s by no means ready for any kind of production. I though I’d share it anyway. In it’s ...

Cocos2D Particle Engine w/Different Sprites 6

Cocos2D Particle Engine w/Different Sprites
Most of my development work is centered around educational games. I am co-founder of Third Rail Games, LLC. A while back I wanted to modify the particle system in Cocos2D so that it would put out streams of letters in a given sequence instead of the one sprite. Here’s what I ended up with: Here’s ...

Easiest Twitter App Ever (plus NSLinguisticTagger)

Easiest Twitter App Ever (plus NSLinguisticTagger)
My very first idea for an iphone app was something that would allow me to navigate the language used in tweets. I wanted to create an app that pulled twitter data, based on a search phrase, parse the words in that request, pull out represent those words by frequency or importance, and present that visually ...

Quick Tip about Disabling ARC on Multiple Files at Once 4

I found this comment on stackoverflow, pixelfreak is the author. But, there are multiple places where it is said that you cannot set the -fno-objc-arc flag on multiple files at once in Xcode. Not true. You can read it from the source here. But, here’s the deal. I, and doubtless many of you, use third ...

Lightning in Corona

Lightning in Corona
My partner and I are working on putting together a new educational game project for the Department of Education at a University here. We are going to be creating a bunch of mini games each with a small academic objective. We needed a way to create cool lightning and we didn’t want to do it ...

Saving a Photo With AVFoundation and Core Image 1

Saving a Photo With AVFoundation and Core Image
I promised in the comments a few days ago that I would post how one would go about saving a photo using the program I created in the last Core Image post.  We’re already passing the video feed into a CIImage before we write it to the screen.  All we need to do is take ...

Position a CCSprite in any way imaginable 1

In a couple of my projects I needed to be able to position and scale or rotate based on different anchor points on the same sprite. For example, I am using CCLabelTTF and I’m trying to highlight different parts of a word. So I am scaling or rotating the first letter in the word without ...